
Being on the Other Side

I recently had a new A/C system installed in my new-to-me home. With this being the largest home improvement project I’ve ever experienced, along with reading tons of horror stories on Reddit about bad contractors and subpar work, I was naturally very nervous to find a good contractor. The first contractor that I found had…

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A Story About Customer Service

The other day, I went to Whole Foods and had a very embarrassing situation happen to me. I was checking out via the self-checkout line, buying a bottle of mead (which I was super excited to try, and it was the last bottle). The condensation made the bottle just slip out of my hands when…

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[Re-]Establishing A Writing Practice

Every so often, I get hit by the writing bug. “I should write a blog post about this!” “Why don’t I publish more writing?” “I want to become a better writer, but I don’t know where to start!” “What do I even want to write about?” And that’s where I get stuck. One of my…

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Not Simply A Vendor

I’m often referred to as a vendor, particularly by larger organizations. That’s understandable–I do provide a service offering, usually for a fixed amount of time and money. The organization outsources design and/or web development efforts to me, much in the same manner as they would outsource their IT needs, security, or legal assistance. But every…

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An Introduction

I’ve never really been much of a blogger. I’ve tried journaling throughout various points in my life but could never really get the habit to stick. But lately, I’ve been feeling the urge to get my thoughts down on paper. Er, well, type my thoughts out on a screen… I’ve been a professional designer for…

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