June 4, 2020

An Introduction

I’ve never really been much of a blogger. I’ve tried journaling throughout various points in my life but could never really get the habit to stick. But lately, I’ve been feeling the urge to get my thoughts down on paper. Er, well, type my thoughts out on a screen…

I’ve been a professional designer for over 6 years now, and I really wish I had started writing earlier. I wish I was able to look back on concrete words and see what my thoughts and processes were like, and how much I’ve grown as a designer. I mean, I can feel that I’ve grown as a designer, from my processes and workflow to speaking with clients, but I would have loved to be able to look back on the journey in a more concrete way.

People that know me in person know that I love talking about web design and I can get really nerdy about the details. So that’s why I’m starting now. My intention for this section of my website is to write about web design, WordPress development, and perhaps—sometimes—unrelated general topics so that I can not only contribute to the web design community, but also provide a resource for clients.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this blog grows and am going to savor every moment of the experience along the way.


About Mary-Ann Zykin

Mary-Ann Zykin is an experienced freelance designer based in Houston, TX who specializes in custom web design, WordPress web development, and branding.

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Being on the Other Side

I recently had a new A/C system installed in my new-to-me home. With this being the largest home improvement project I’ve ever experienced, along with reading tons of horror stories on Reddit about bad contractors and subpar work, I was naturally very nervous to find a good contractor. The first contractor that I found had…

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